United Methodists of Eastern Pennsylvania & Greater New Jersey

Pathways Introductory Meetings

Are you ready to lead your congregation on a transformative journey towards growth, inclusivity, and positive impact? Let's embark on this empowering journey together and unlock the full potential of your congregation's mission and vitality. Learn more about how to create a lasting impact in the lives of individuals, communities, and the world around you. Are you ready to take the first step towards a bright future for your congregation and community? Join Pathways Champions Gina Yeske and Steve Morton for an introduction to Pathways for Congregational Development on Saturday, August 26 from 9:30-11 or Monday August 28 from 6:30-8 by Zoom. 
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8/26/2023 12:00 AM - 8/28/2023 12:00 AM
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Megan McKay
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